Other techniques

Brief Interactional Therapy

It is a brief strategic therapy, designed at the Mental Research Institute of Palo Alto, California -USA-.

It is a therapy focused on problem-solving, focused on solutions. After an initial diagnosis, a therapeutic plan for each person is designed. It is simple, effective, and efficient psychotherapy to help people make a change.

Brain Integration Techniques

These are new psychotherapeutic methods that allow the integration of differences in perceptions that often exist between the two cerebral hemispheres.

A more realistic view of the problem is enabled, correcting all distortions, such as inappropriate or exaggerated feelings and fears. Thereby, an integration of both perspectives is achieved.

Relaxation Techniques

The daily tension of life can produce a state of stress that is the cause of multiple functional disorders and psychosomatic illnesses. Relaxation and self-control techniques have proven to be the most effective non-drug means to avoid stress consequences. They can be combined with other psychotherapeutic methods too.


In evolutionary situations of women, such as pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding, primary prevention work allows them and their close ones to learn to manage the anxieties and distress that these life crises generate, as well as achieve healthy motherhood.

On the other hand, it is beneficial to emotionally prepare an adult or a child and their family to face a surgical intervention and avoid psychological sequelae.

In a few sessions, it is possible to learn about resources to improve our emotional management of a given situation and turn it into an experience of personal and family maturation.

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